Chris Lysak
Chris Lysak of Alberta, Canada was held in a remand detention center since February, 2022 on charges stemming from the Coutts border protest of state imposed vaccine mandates that were destroying our economy and way of life for countless Canadian citizens. Chris has two young girls who will be spending their second consecutive Christmas without their father. Chris does not have a criminal record and has been denied bail in a troubling case of public interest that has caught international attention. Chris has been let out of jail, however he still has a large legal bill to pay.
Lisa Robinson
Heartless Pickering City Mayor and Pickering City Council on top of defaming Councillor Robinson's character have engaged in bullying her into submission and silence for speaking up for her constituents by sanctioning 90 days wages which equals one quarter of her salary. Councillor Robinson, a single mother and sole provider for her child is now faced with not being able to pay for housing and food on the table
The Accountability Project
The Accountability Project (TAP) is a federal non profit, with a mandate to advocate for human rights, including raising funds for public interest plaintiffs and class action law suits. The primary beneficiary of TAP will be the 20 plaintiffs in the Cornell et al v. Trudeau et al landmark lawsuit that was submitted on 14 February 2024 that has 30 defendants (coming soon) and will hold our government to account.
www.tapcan.orgAdopt a Veteran
You will have the option to send 10% of your donation this month to Adopt a Veteran
Ensure all veterans do not feel left alone and un-appreciated, especially over the holidays. We realized that this was an issue where some veterans were left in solidtude after having outlived their families. Adopt-A-Vet brings them gifts, as well as spends time sharing stories and camaraderie that all of us long for having served in the Canadian Armed Forces at one point in our lives.