Kimberly Neudorf
A Canadian wife, mother and home schooler of three was recently convicted and fined $37,000 plus costs for organizing two peaceful demonstrations against provincial government-imposed restrictions on constitutionally enshrined Rights and Freedoms in 2020.
Lisa Robinson
Heartless Pickering City Mayor and Pickering City Council on top of defaming Councillor Robinson's character have engaged in bullying her into submission and silence for speaking up for her constituents by sanctioning 90 days wages which equals one quarter of her salary. Councillor Robinson, a single mother and sole provider for her child is now faced with not being able to pay for housing and food on the table
Sarah Choujounian
My name is Sarah Choujounian. I was one of if not the 1st nurse to speak up against the lockdowns at a rally in 2020 and I am the co-founder of Canadian Frontline Nurses. I have been fired from my 2 nursing jobs and I am under 5 investigations by the CNO. I am presently in the middle of a very important disciplinary hearing by the College of Nurses of Ontario which will have precedent and either; silence all nurses if lost or uncensor us so that we may do our jobs properly and continue to be advocates to our patients & ensure we can give them all the information. necessary to give informed consent.
https://twitter.com/SarahChoujouniaThe Homes for Heroes Foundation
You will have the option to send 10% of your donation this month to The Homes for Heroes Foundation
The Homes For Heroes Foundation was developed in response to the growing number of military Veterans who are facing crisis as they return to civilian life and find themselves on the path to homelessness. As many as 5,000 Veterans are homeless and living on the streets in Canada. These Veterans put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms and now they need, and deserve, our support. With your help Homes For Heroes will provide them with housing along with the resources, services and training that will enable them to successfully transition back into civilian life.