Carrie Sakamoto
I am reaching out to you in a time of great need. I thought I was doing the right thing, what the government asked me to do. They said it was " Safe and Effective". it was anything but that for me. After my second shot, I almost died. I was in the hospital for 17 days unable to feed myself, see properly, talk, walk, hear or concentrate. I had to learn these things before I could leave hospital care. My health problems have just continued after that. I have been experiencing severe neurological issues, including Full Blume Bells Palsy, depression and anxiety as a result of my COVID19 Vaccine, I have been fighting tirelsessly to seek justice for the harm caused. Though the Vaccine Injury Support Program, I have been able to validate my vaccine injury, but I am still waiting to be paid back for medicine and treatment I needed including a hearing aid and glasses.
Chris Lysak
Chris Lysak of Alberta, Canada was held in a remand detention center since February, 2022 on charges stemming from the Coutts border protest of state imposed vaccine mandates that were destroying our economy and way of life for countless Canadian citizens. Chris has two young girls who will be spending their second consecutive Christmas without their father. Chris does not have a criminal record and has been denied bail in a troubling case of public interest that has caught international attention. Chris has been let out of jail, however he still has a large legal bill to pay.
Lisa Robinson
Heartless Pickering City Mayor and Pickering City Council on top of defaming Councillor Robinson's character have engaged in bullying her into submission and silence for speaking up for her constituents by sanctioning 90 days wages which equals one quarter of her salary. Councillor Robinson, a single mother and sole provider for her child is now faced with not being able to pay for housing and food on the table
https://givesendgo.com/GB9DPQuilts of Valour
You will have the option to send 10% of your donation this month to Quilts of Valour
A Quilt of Valour™ is a hug from a grateful nation and a tribute to an injured Canadian Armed Forces member, past or present. Although most of us will never know the soldier who will receive our quilt, imagine what it would be like for you if you did know the soldier. What if that soldier was your spouse, your brother/sister, your friend or your child? A Quilt of Valour™ serves a special purpose and quality construction is important. Quilt standards must reflect the level of gratitude that we want to demonstrate to the recipient. Quilts of Valour™ can be made by individuals, social groups or quilting bees. In all cases we request that the standards we have established are followed. If you are making a quilt or have a quilt ready to donate please ensure that it meets the QOV Specifications.